Parents, caregivers, and adults with disabilities and special needs often find themselves staring down a seven-figure bill, or more, to cover the cost of lifetime care. Not to mention the stress ...
At HCBS, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live independently and earn an income. For individuals with disabilities and special needs who require lifelong, ongoing support, finding employment ...
Medicaid, called Medical Assistance in Pennsylvania, is a public health insurance program run by the state with help from the federal government. Medicaid is the most significant health care program in ...
Chester County’s Commissioners showed their support for individuals with developmental disabilities on Tuesday, March 19. We are proud to share that one of our participants, Gerry Wheaton, was featured in a ...
In our country there are millions of children and adults who do not get the meals they need to thrive. The reality is that many Americans living with disabilities face various ...
Service and therapy animals can be very beneficial for people with various disabilities, including autism, epilepsy, physical disabilities, blindness, and others. These animals are trained based on the specific needs of ...
Yoga has many well-known benefits for everyone. These include increased flexibility and stamina, decreased stress and anxiety, and improved mental and physical health. For people with special needs or developmental disabilities, ...
Adults of all shapes, sizes, and abilities benefit from being physically active, including those with disabilities. Regular physical activity increases heart and lung function, which improves daily activities and increases independence.  ...
PA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES • NOV. 7, 2018 SPREADING WARMTH Home heating help is now available for Pennsylvania families When cold weather is here, so is the Low-Income Home Energy ...