At HCBS, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live independently and earn an income. For individuals with disabilities and special needs who require lifelong, ongoing support, finding employment ...

Medicaid, called Medical Assistance in Pennsylvania, is a public health insurance program run by the state with help from the federal government. Medicaid is the most significant health care program in ...

Chances are, there is an ALICE in your life. ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. They are hard-working, contributing members of our communities, many of whom most of us ...

There are many organizations out there offering programs and services to individuals with special needs and their families, but these services can be difficult to find if you don’t know where ...

Parents of children with special needs know that there is help, support, and resources out there, but it can feel overwhelming not knowing where to start. This list of websites for ...

Special needs include a wide range of learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or emotional and behavioral difficulties. These difficulties can affect a person in numerous ways that are not limited only to ...

These days, many of us have a potential augmentative alternative communication (AAC) device right in our pocket. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets are easy to use and transport. They ...

The transition from child to teenager to adult is one that is difficult, rocky, and complex for everyone. For those with special needs, these transitions – especially into adulthood – can ...

There are many resources available for children with special needs or disabilities. Through the local school district, parents can often get therapies, aides, and tutors provided. While this is great for ...

If you are the parent of a child with special needs, it is important to plan for what will happen once they turn 18 and you are no longer legally able ...