Participation in the 2020 census by people with disabilities will help make sure that our communities receive their rightful share of federal resources and that we are fairly represented in Congress. ...

How long have you been working in this career field, and what attracted you to it? I have been working in the field for ten years; the last 6 of those ...

A career helping adults with disabilities is like no other. You’re helping someone live their best life, and there aren’t too many careers where you can say that, but how do ...

Many people associate “caregiving” with children or elderly, because that is what they are accustomed to seeing more regularly. What many people do not know is that home care services are ...

More than ever before, caregiving is recognized as a critical element of everyday life for millions of families of adults with disabilities throughout the United States. The types of care that ...

At HCBS, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live independently and earn an income. For individuals with disabilities and special needs who require lifelong, ongoing support, finding employment ...

Parents of children with special needs know that there is help, support, and resources out there, but it can feel overwhelming not knowing where to start. This list of websites for ...

If you are the parent of a child with special needs, it is important to plan for what will happen once they turn 18 and you are no longer legally able ...

As children with special needs reach adulthood, they often begin to have different needs and require different care. While many parents of children with disabilities are able to provide much of ...

For children with special needs, the transition into adulthood can look a bit different. If you are the parent of a child with special needs, perhaps your child requires special care ...