As individuals with disabilities approach adulthood they may desire to become more autonomous and begin to take on more personal responsibility. Hygiene and nutrition education is crucial for adults with disabilities. ...

We know that being a part of a team and being physically active has enormous benefits for anyone. The fellowship that stems from participating in group sports improves a person’s mental ...

Adults of all shapes, sizes, and abilities benefit from being physically active, including those with disabilities. Regular physical activity increases heart and lung function, which improves daily activities and increases independence. ...

While there seems to be an abundance of information, resources, programs, and services readily available for children with disabilities or special needs, it can be more difficult to find help for ...

If your special needs child has recently become an adult or is approaching adulthood, you may be wondering, “Now what?”

Finding gifts for a teen or adult living with a disability can be intimidating because living with a disability presents many challenges that most of us don’t think about on a ...

My absolute favorite time of year begins around Halloween and lasts through the end of the year. There are always so many wonderful celebrations with family and friends to look forward ...

The Arc of Chester County is a leading provider of services to people with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. Through education and support, the dedicated staff of The Arc of ...

PA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES • NOV. 7, 2018 SPREADING WARMTH Home heating help is now available for Pennsylvania families When cold weather is here, so is the Low-Income Home Energy ...
HCBS Provider, Inc. has become a corporation, and has expanded their service area into seven counties in Pennsylvania to adults with special needs. CHESTER SPRINGS, PA. (PRWEB) OCTOBER 16, 2018 Home ...